Welcome to Stanford Daisakusen - affectionately known as Operation Stanford! This idea will take us to the far ends of Stanford University.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

We've Graduated!! (well sorta...)

Ok so we haven't totally finished here at Stanford...But we've gone through the whole tradition of putting on the long black gown, pinning the square cap on and walking on stage in the hopes that we don't trip :) It's been 10 long months now and we've finally finished all the coursework. The light at the end of the tunnel is now in sight and we've got just a little left to go. The only thing that stands in our way is the monster of a monograph...The bright side is that this gives us more time to blog and scratch more off our Daisakusen list!

The main ceremony was highlighted by a very inspiring address given by the one and only Oprah Winfrey. Of all the commencement addresses we've sat through (in any language) they have not been as engaging and attention-holding as Oprah's was:

"When you're doing the work you were meant to do, it feels right. And every day is a bonus, regardless of what you're getting paid."

Although car keys were not found under our chairs, she did give two books from her famous book club to every graduate...can't wait to actually have time to read them!

The much more intimate School of Education ceremony proved to be more symbolic than anything as we were officially "hooded" by our program director, Christine Min Wotipka.

Step 1: Hand hood to Christine
Step 2: Kneel down and exercise those leg muscles as she unbuttons the hood.

Step 3: Smile big as you wait for Christine to "hood" you.
Step 4: Shake hands with Dean Stipek and receive your empty diploma holder.

Although we won't be completely done until we turn in the hard copies of our monographs by August 13th and we won't technically receive our diplomas until NEXT YEAR, we survived the very warm and long day of a time-honored tradition.

Cheers to THE BEST writing group!

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