Welcome to Stanford Daisakusen - affectionately known as Operation Stanford! This idea will take us to the far ends of Stanford University.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


In Japanese, that means "Sorry, it's been awhile." This little phrase makes a lot of sense as the title for this post, since it's been a whole MONTH since we last updated this and we fully apologize! Spring Break was a lovely period of relaxation and endless drama watching, including a Kurosagi marathon! Although we haven't had a lot of time to go hunting, we did manage to sneak in a few shots last week! And when we say "sneak," we were really sneaking around ;) So here goes!

Spring Quarter began on April Fool's Day and with numerous scheduling issues, we finally managed to settle our classes this week. Here are some fun moments captured from Week 1 of Spring Quarter...

Here's Angel trying to express the creepy and scariness of the Green Library stacks that we try to avoid at all costs. We swear we didn't put this Caution tape in, we just happened to get lost in a restricted area...

Probably the only cool thing about the Green are these two-way stairways... Unfortunately, as Melissa was trying to set up the self-timer on the digital camera, a library employee walked by, staring at us suspiciously. He informed us that we needed to get permission to take pictures in the library. While we may have considered sneaking another in anyway, he continued to lurk near us for a few minutes, so we bolted :)

On a more fun note, Melissa accompanied fellow SF commuter Nick to the Burnham Brawl, to check out some Muay Thai Kickboxing action. Although this was a first for both, it proved to be a crazy and eye-opening experience. We cheered on our dubious T.A., Donna "Scarlett O'Hara" Winston, as she duked it out for 3 rounds. Unfortunately, she didn't come out victorious, but she put on one hell of a fight!

This event was sponsored by the Stanford Muay Thai Kickboxing club and the Thai-American Intercultural Society (THAIS). During intermission, musicians from THAIS performed some beautiful musical pieces.

Again, we apologize for the slow updates, but we hope you're all gonna stick with us as we continue our adventures! Stay tuned for more!